ENGLISH Cat Ho Son of Pinerolo is pleased to invite you to our stage of Viet Chi Combat to be held on the morning of January 27th 2019 at the Sports Centre of the city of Porte (near Pinerolo, Italy). This event is very important for us as it will officially present our discipline, both from a combat study point of view than of combat technoques application). The morning program for children and adults will be: 08:45 Welcome 09:00 Presentation of the Viet Chi Combat style 09:30 Warm-up exercises 10:00 Basic Sequences of Viet Chi Combat 11:00 Split into 2 groups that will rotate (45 min per group) - Flexibility and combat strategies - Insights related to Chi Vat 12:45 Final greetings The morning program for children will be: 08:45 Welcome 09:00 Warm-up exercises 09:30 Start of games / preparatory activities for fighting 12:45 Final greetings The event is reserved to Asi (Association) members. Therefore, who is interested but does not have this membership card,...